pink-circle pink-figure-html-tag green-less than slash greaterthan-html-tag yellow-white-while-condition blue-title-html-tag dark-blue-css-text yellow-javascript-logo red-h1-html-tag yellow-upside down-triangle

Hello, my name is

Hanbit Kang.

Front-End Web Developer. With me you'll have the best experience.

I'm a self-taught Front end Developer from São Paulo, Brazil.
Currently designing sites for small start-up business.

Hire Me


Hello, I'm Hanbit Kang 👋

I'm entry level Front End Web Developer based in San Paolo, Brazil. I've always been into technology, computer and design. After a long time finally I figured out my passion: programming.

I've worked through 1000+ hours of bootcamp structure for 10 months learning the basic programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, etc. At the moment I am studying and learning on my own searching for a new opportunity in this industry.

Currently I am building websites for small company. Check out my personal projects and resume!


Frontend Development

10 months experience

UI/UX Designing

3 years experience


10 months experience



Get in touch

I'm seeking out opportunities to collaborate with companies, agencies and individuals. If I am the profile you are looking for please contact me. We can work together to accomplish several projects as a team and solve any problems in a way that optimizes all of our respective experience and knowledge.

Contat Me