Hello, my name is
I'm a self-taught Front end Developer from São Paulo, Brazil.
Currently designing sites for small start-up business.
I'm entry level Front End Web Developer based in San Paolo, Brazil. I've always been into technology, computer and design. After a long time finally I figured out my passion: programming.
I've worked through 1000+ hours of bootcamp structure for 10 months learning the basic programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, etc. At the moment I am studying and learning on my own searching for a new opportunity in this industry.
Currently I am building websites for small company. Check out my personal projects and resume!
10 months experience
3 years experience
10 months experience
A single web page of personal portfolio using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Landing Page of a single page for a traffic paid agency. Includes interactive pages like the calculator to estimate ROI (Return on Investment) and a test to find out your persona. Worked out with HTML, CSS, SASS and JavaScript.
HTML, CSS, SASS and JavaScript
I'm seeking out opportunities to collaborate with companies, agencies and individuals. If I am the profile you are looking for please contact me. We can work together to accomplish several projects as a team and solve any problems in a way that optimizes all of our respective experience and knowledge.
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